I Don’t Care What Fauci Says: COVID Isn’t Quitting

It’s around, still upending our lives in subtle ways that scientists can’t yet explain. The ABCs of moving forward anyway.

Melinda Blau
Published in
8 min readJun 27, 2022


Photo by Sara Kurfeß on Unsplash

News Flash: COVID Cancels Author’s Trip to the Bahamas

Boohoo! Luxury problem.

I know. The world won’t fall apart if I don’t take my grandson to the Bahamas for his birthday. Still, there’s this — and I’m guessing that it matters to you, too:

A 13-year-old testing positive for COVID serves as a reminder that, almost three years later, we’re still in the grip of COVID.

Anthony Fauci says we are “out of the pandemic phase.”

But there’s no denying it: we’re still living in uncertainty.

Yes, Charlie and I can make new plans. We’ll each get over our disappointment and, in his case, guilt.

“I am so sorry, Mom,” my daughter texted. “I know Charlie feels awful about this.”

To which I replied, “It’s not his fault. Unless he drank a cup of COVID germs on purpose!”

Charlie will undoubtedly recover soon. “I’ve had worse colds,” he admits. For that, we’re all grateful…



Melinda Blau

Writer/speaker/observer of relationships, I'm a hip old lady at large. I cover the dramas we all play out. Writing's a bitch, but it makes me happy.